Drives & Drives
Drives & Drives

Corrosion Resistant Chains

Corrosion Resistant Chains

Catalog for Chains suitable useful in water / anchemical environments.


ZAC chains are built to provide outstanding corrosion resistance, with the same strength and breaking load values of standard chains. A special coating fights corosion in the most aggressive environments. Zac chain superiority has been proven against Nickel, Zinc and other plated chains.

Plated Chains - European Series

Nickel plated chains :These chains are ideal for use in light corrosive atmosphere or where good appearance is required.

Zinc plated chains :These chains are used in corrosive atmosphere and outdoor applications.

ZAC chains :Excellent corrosion resistance with same strength and breaking load values as standard chains. The chains are designed to withstand a minimum of 250 hrs of salt spray testing as per ASTM B 117.

Plated Chains - American Series

Nickel plated chains :These chains are ideal for use in light corrosive atmosphere or where good appearance is required.

Zinc plated chains :These chains are used in corrosive atmosphere and outdoor applications.

ZAC chains :Excellent corrosion resistance with same strength and breaking load values as standard chains. The chains are designed to withstand a minimum of 250 hrs of salt spray testing as per ASTM B 117.

Stainless Steel Chains - European Series

Stainless steel ( SS 3040 chains with solid rollers are designed to offer excellent corrosion resistance and are used in atmosphere where chains are exposed to chemical, water and heat. They can operate in a temperature range of -0°c to 400°c.

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